As project managers, our main mission at Webspec is to make sure that our clients emerge with a web design that meets and/or exceeds expectations. We work every day to communicate your website needs to each member of your creative team and pride ourselves on our ability to communicate with you and collaborate with your team to make your vision come to life.
Tips for Critiquing Your Website Design
That said, sometimes the path to website perfection isn’t always unicorns and rainbows. Decisions about what you’re looking for and what we design for you have to be made. While we’re professionals and the best in the business, your design might not be exactly what you’re envisioning right out of the gate. Once our designers lay out a base design, it’s time for the tough process of design review and critique. Here are a few pointers on how to successfully convey your needs in productive design critique:
- Stick to the rules: In the beginning of a project, project managers and designers will likely sit down with you and outline what you can expect from us and what we need from you. We’ll tell you how many revisions you’ll get per page, what content we need in order to start your design and how often we’ll need responses from you. Communication is key, so once we’ve established these ground rules, follow them and the process will go a lot smoother!
- Tell it like it is: When you see your design for the first time, give us your gut reaction. We care about what you think and you won’t hurt our feelings if you “just aren’t feeling it.” Being honest with the first review of your design is crucial. You might not be able to put your finger on what you don’t like, but telling us what you think is the first step in the right direction.
- Be courteous: Have you ever heard “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?” It’s a cliché, but it’s true! For our relationship to be the best it can be, keep this in mind when you are giving us feedback. While it’s true that your honest feelings about the design are important to us, keeping it professional and tactful is more productive for the project. We put a lot of time and creative energy into your designs, so your approval is important to us. You can tell us you don’t like what we’ve done, but please do it without colorful language and name calling. We’re good with people, and often we can see your reaction before you say anything.
- Start with the basics: If you don’t know where to start in your critique, ask yourself these questions: Is everything present that you asked for? If not, what’s missing? Does the design’s aesthetic match the feeling you’re going for? Is the style consistent with your business? Sometimes it’s hard to critique something when you’re not sure where to start. Instead of looking at the design as a whole, start with the details and work your way through the bigger picture!
- It looks different alive: Often clients struggle with seeing a flat design. We are able to use InVision, our design critique tool, to make your design as “alive” as we can without programming, but sometimes you just have to trust us when we tell you how something is going to be animated or move. Really, a flat design is to a website as a blueprint is to an unfinished home. You have to have a good imagination and faith in the builders.
For Your Web Design Needs, Contact Webspec Design of Iowa
With these tips in mind, critiquing your web designs will be a lot more productive and you will likely get more out of the end result than you imagined. Most flops in the design phases of projects come when there is miscommunication along the way. Being honest and on the same page with your project manager and designer from the get-go will set you at ease and keep you confident though the process.