Web Application Development
Have you considered the positive impact digital tools can have on your business processes?
Whether or not your business currently uses online tools to operate day-to-day, there are likely endless improvements you’d like to make, from process changes and file management to data organization.

This is where we come in:
Webspec’s custom application development team creates and maintains tailored tools that can make your business’s workflows easier and more efficient.
We work with you to implement processes that will allow you to save time, money, and frustration. These tools can be created to stand alone or tie in with your existing website (and other 3rd-party tools). Whether you need something public-facing or strictly internal, our developers are experienced in creating sustainable products that you can build on and use for years to come.
Upgrade Your Internal Business Processes
Technology changes quickly, and if your business has been around for a while, it’s likely time to reassess your processes to see how tech can make things easier.
There is always some value in a paper trail, but if you’re solely relying on physical books and printed papers to document your finances, inventory, or other data, you run the risk of losing valuable information you can’t get back. Manually passing documents back and forth between multiple team members also leads to a game of business telephone, diluting the accuracy of your information along the way.
Our app development team specializes in helping organizations keep track of their information in databases created specifically for their needs. No more clunky spreadsheet copies or handwritten notes to keep track of—you’ll have your own application to enter, share, or relay data, along with backups in case you need to bring back old information.
Your Ongoing Development Partner
Your organization has likely evolved over time to get to where it is today; the custom apps and tools we create for you can be similar.
We’ll create and deliver a custom, user-friendly tool to your specifications that your team can use indefinitely. Over time, as you get used to your new tools and as your processes change, you may want additional features added. We build our tools so that it’s easy for you to partner with us for additional project phases if you need features beyond the scope of your original needs.
Most of our applications are built using the Laravel framework, which is the industry standard for creating intricate tools that can be built upon over time. We’re happy to answer feature questions, discuss additional work, and make sure your application can be changed to meet your organization’s changing needs in the future.
Get the Data & Tools You Need in One Place
Many organizations encounter a similar problem as they grow: it becomes more and more difficult to keep tabs on all the different places they need to look for different types of internal information.
Allow us to help you rein things in. We can create an interface where you can access the files, tools, and other information you need in one spot to reduce the amount of time you spend switching between applications.
Digital Asset Management
Get all of your files and properties in one place. Not only does our team build intranets where your staff can access all the information they need, but we can also set up custom user permissions that will give you control over who can access what. Your user permissions can be as broad or as granular as you need so that different roles at your organization have the appropriate access levels to company information.
API & Third-Party Tool Integrations
If you utilize multiple tools or services to run your organization, you’ve likely discovered that they don’t always work together the way you’d like them to. Our team will take stock of the business tools you use currently and integrate them in a way that makes your life easier. User permission levels can be customized here as well; as we plan out your application, you’ll have the opportunity to tell us which roles need access to exactly which information and actions. We can integrate existing subscription tools, accounting software, single sign-on systems, affiliate programs, and whatever else you need to bring your data into one place.
See Examples of Our Application Projects
Our applications team built a clearinghouse for Future Ready Iowa that allows businesses, teachers, and students to connect for work-based learning opportunities.
Future Ready Iowa Clearinghouse