Starting a website project of any sort holds a lot of variables and “what ifs” no matter what side you are on, and who you are working with. As a Project Manager at Webspec Design, one client’s process can look completely different than another. That is why Webspec Design has a basic process that we follow, but are completely adaptable and susceptible to our variety of clients. We enjoy working with all of our clients, and want them to be happy. But you might be wondering what does a Project Manager provide for me when it comes to building and designing a website? You might also be wondering, so if this process of building a website is lucid, what should I be expecting no matter what?
For someone who has not gone through a process similar to a website design, it can be difficult to grasp. So, let’s go with the risky way of using a horror film analogy. There is no direct parallel with the process being terrifying or anything, just an obvious comparable for you to better understand the process and importance of the Project Manager.
So, let’s break down the two questions, with the horror film mindset.
In the Beginning:
During the beginning of the movie, you are wanting to take in all of the details that anyone says, does or even how they react to different situations. When you are watching the film, you are wanting to learn everything you can about the situation, just in case the littlest things could be foreshadowing of the future.
This is the same situation when it comes to the kick off meeting. This kick off meeting includes the initial brainstorming and development of the website. While the littlest details are not crucial at this point, it is important for both sides to pay attention to anything that goes on during this meeting. A good Project Manager is taking notes and asking questions to narrow down exactly what the client is wanting for the end result. This is all foreshadowing for what the site will finally look like.
Favorite Character:
When you are watching a horror film, you are quick to gravitate to a certain character, right? Usually, it’s the character who has his or her main goal in mind, is careful to protect others and in the end is the most trustworthy person to stick with.
The trustworthy person to stick with throughout this process is the Project Manager. The Project Manager is the person who you have contact with, and they in turn take care of all the delegation and follow through of the tasks to the rest of the team. While the entire team is on your side, at the end of the day, the PM is your direct source of communication, and is there to hear what you need.
It seems the only sense of relief when watching a scary movie is when you know for sure you have reached points of progress. While you know there are still a few loose ends to take care of, you see that there is an end in sight. You also grow to appreciate the milestones, no matter how great or small they are, and look forward to the next.
The milestones in the process of a website design consists of the same idea. The milestones are great to judge the overall timeline. It will also give you that sense of insight and excitement when you get to celebrate the different variables being complete on the site.
The End:
Once enough milestones are completed, the end is reached, and you are able to visually see the accomplished project. The end of the movie is a sense of celebration and success. You are proud of the characters involved, and are excited to see what their future holds beyond this situation.
As your website approaches the end, you will have a product to share and build your business through. While you had insight on the process, and were part of a partnership, you have even more of a need to celebrate. Beyond that, this is not just the end. This is the starting point to continue to grow and share your company with others, as well as continuously maintaining your website.
Again, while the process of building a website can take a few weeks, it is not in any way like a horror film. Horror films are just something that everyone has experienced, while website design is something sometimes uncertain to people. Webspec Design provides all in-house, custom websites for just about every industry. The team values each client and their ideas, and is excited to work with you on your project. Contact us for any type of website redesign, and we will work to be the trust-worthy people who can help you survive the uncertain process of getting a website that will fit your personality and company exactly how you want.