It’s the largest social networking site online and a major FREE marketing tool for your business, so are you using it? Facebook offers access to over 800 million active users, many of which are your potential clients. It is one of the first links to show up about your business in a search engine and it is a great way to get information out about your business and events you might be hosting.
Having a Facebook account is the first step in spreading the word about your business and helping it grow. Here are some simple ways that you can optimize the power of Facebook in today’s business world to help expand both awareness and your clientele to help your business grow.
Don’t Have A Page? Make One.
Facebook is free and easy to use. You can create a page for your business in seconds and begin to utilize Facebook. If you don’t have time to make a page and maintain it and don’t have the resources to pay someone else to do it, college interns are great for handing the duty of setting up and designing your page, adding information, and making updates.
What Should Your Facebook Page Say About Your Business?
Your Facebook page should include information about what type of services you offer, products you sell, and where you are located along with other contact info. You should also include the web address of your professionally and uniquely designed Webspec website, the history of your business, and your current specials and upcoming events.
Update Often, But Not Too Often.
You want to make sure that your customers know the current happenings of your business but you don’t want to end up spamming their newsfeed. So, a good rule of thumb is to update your page once a week on average. Great things to include in your status updates are your current featured products, specials you are running, upcoming events, or things that are interesting to your customer basis. Try developing a monthly theme and post a “teaser” or blog about one of your new products or services.
“Like” Other Pages.
Much like Pinterest, you want to advertise a lifestyle. “Like” things that show your clients and potential customers what your business style is. This will show people viewing your page not only what kind of business you are, but also that you are in support of other ventures on Facebook and not just your own. Avoid “liking” political figures or social issues unless they are in line with your business concept becuase you want your business to appeal to the masses. Following both of these guidelines will give you more merit in the eyes of those checking out your business on Facebook.
Utilize the “Newsfeed”
The “Newsfeed” on individual users accounts shows a users what their “friends” recent activity has been. This means that when someone “likes” your business’ status, claims an offer from you, re-posts something you have posted, tags you in a post, or writes on your wall, ALL of their “friends” can see it on their “Newsfeed”. “Word of Mouth” has and always will be the most powerful advertising tool in existence, and that is exactly what this is.
So now that you’ve got some of the basics, get on Facebook and watch your business grow.