The worst feeling in the world is having a website that you’ve spent gobs of money on and having it be virtually useless. With over 644 million active websites on the Internet, you need to be more than “just there.” There are simple things that I watch for on every website, no matter the industry, that really make a difference in setting your company apart.
- Know Your Audience – Every website shouldn’t have the same design, work flow, etc. Every website shouldn’t convey the message the same. Know who your potential clients are and meet them in an attractive way.
- Usability – There is nothing worse than going to a site and not being able to find the information that you were hoping to. Creating a site that is easy to navigate is key in generating leads and creating new customers.
- Design – Your product or service may very well be the next big thing! You need to have a site that conveys that to your customers. If your site has a dated feel, or a feel that doesn’t represent your product or brand in an appealing way, you may be losing customers.
- Security – Anytime a user is putting in their information, whether it is their name, phone number, email, credit card, etc., they want to feel safe. Anything that hinders that feeling could be costing you!
- Marketing & Optimization – You now have a finished site that you are pleased with and feel it does a good job of everything above. The most common mistake is thinking the launch of your site is the end. It’s really just the beginning. You now have a piece of marketing that you want to get into the hands of everyone you can. The ultimate goal is to be found by a potential customer looking for the exact thing you’re offering. Chances are that customer’s first stop will be Google. Chances also are, your website is not currently doing as well as it could on Google. So how do you improve this?
Read on the Do’s and Don’ts of Improving Your Google Ranking >>